St. Peter Catholic Church
Mission Statement: We, the parishioners of St. Peter Parish, formed by the Word of God, and nourished by the Eucharist, are called to be Christ to all people, while creating “A parish home in which to grow in holiness.”
100 Argyle St.
Regina, SK S4R 4C3
Parish Office: 306-545-4411, stpete@sasktel.net.
Pastor: Very Rev. Fr. James Owolagba, 306-545-4777, frjames@sasktel.net.

Welcome to our parish website.
My name is Father James Owolagba. Please never hesitate to call the parish if you have questions regarding any of our Liturgical Celebrations, sacraments, clubs and activities. The parish supports our community.
If you are new, please call or drop in and introduce yourself to me; it would be great to get to know you.
Yours In Christ,
Very Rev. James Owolagba, pastor
Upcoming Events
Feb 16:
International Food Potluck, Music, Dance, Presentation by Youth: God is Love!
Feb. 23:
Supper at Leicester’s Family Restaurant Fundraiser. Tickets $30 each.
Please see our latest bulletin for more details and other announcements.
Regular Mass Times
See the current bulletin for exceptions and additions.
Saturday, 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, 9:00 a.m.
Wednesday, 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, 9:00 a.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m.
We are live-streaming Masses for those who cannot come to Mass.
Please see www.youtube.com/@StPeterRegina,
then click on “Live” to see the live-streamed videos.
We are live-streaming Masses for those who cannot come to Mass at our first YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/@StPeterRegina. When you go there, click on “Live” to see the live-streamed videos. The “Videos” section contains videos that were uploaded after the event.
Click below to go there and see Fr. James’ welcome message.
We have a second YouTube channel, called “Dig Deep into the Gospel with Fr. James Owolagba.” It is at www.youtube.com/@DigdeepintotheGospel.
We invite viewers to this channel for daily Gospels and homilies.
For the Feb. 9 bulletin, please click here.
For the Feb. 2 bulletin, please click here.
For the Jan. 26 bulletin, please click here.
For the Jan. 19 bulletin, please click here.
For the Jan. 12 bulletin, please click here.
To join our parish, please click here.
For the registration form for sacraments for children grade 2/7 years old and up, including baptism,1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, and Confirmation, please click here. Note, registration is over for autumn 2024-spring 2025 sacramental classes. The next opportunity to join classes will be in the autumn of 2025.
If you wish to donate, you may get a set of donation envelopes (or auto-debit form) from the parish office, or send an e-transfer to stpete@sasktel.net.